Last week our 6th graders finished their eTwinning project called Enjoyable Language Teaching (ELT). During this school year they have worked, collaborated and participated in different activities where they also have learned lots of new things from the countries involved in the project: France, Turkey, Romania and Azerbaidjan. The experience has been amazing and we made English go beyond the classroom: we made it more real and meaningful! 

La setmana passada els i les nostres alumnes de 6ĆØ van acabar el seu projecte eTwinning anomenat Enjoyable Language Teaching (ELT). Durant aquest curs, han treballat, col·laborat i participat en diverses activitats on tambĆ© han aprĆØs un munt de coses sobre els paĆÆsos participants del projecte: FranƧa, Turquia, Romania i Azerbaidjan. L'experiĆØncia ha estat meravellosa i sobretot, hem fet que l'anglĆØs traspassi les aules, fent-lo mĆ©s real i significatiu! 

En aquest enllaƧ podeu consultar la pĆ gina web del projecte amb el recull d'activitats que hem realitzat durant aquests mesos: https://enjoyablelanguageteaching.weebly.com/

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